Attention: Doctors, Inventors, Geniuses, Engineers, etc.

I have an invention for you. Ok, I know I have talked about this in other blogs and maybe even in this one. However, I would like to mention it again. My idea came about based on what I’ve gone through in my 40 years of being sick aka my entire life. Idea: A device… Continue reading Attention: Doctors, Inventors, Geniuses, Engineers, etc.

Everyone probably thinks that their “loved ones” would be there & care for them if they became gravely ill because.. they love you unconditionally, right?  Wrong. In reality, no one actually cares. They can’t be bothered with your sick ass interrupting & complicating their seemingly happy, healthy life. Some, quite frankly, just outright loathe your… Continue reading

What does it mean to be a strong woman? Is it someone who triumphed in the face of diversity? And what does that even mean? I mean.. it’s easy to fight for something; to fight through something, if you have something to fight for; someone that supports you & encourages you; a chance to overcome.… Continue reading

I’ve had pneumonia for the past week or so. The day’s run together like streams converging into one another.. so, I can’t be certain of how long. But it’s nothing new to me. I get pneumonia at least once a year. Though, they do vary in severity. My worst case was several years ago &… Continue reading

I have a “shit list”, as some may call it. You know, a list of people who have severely wronged you. It is a very short list but you don’t want to ever be on it. Given my calm, zen & sweet nature.. It takes a lot to end up on this list. These are… Continue reading